
variations on a theme of lotus, 60 x 84cm, 2012



* 歡迎到《雨施舍》網頁下載新詩集《山中雜詩》:- yushihouse.org

* A collection of poems "mountain verses" can be downloaded at the website :- yushihouse.org

雨橫風狂 In the slashing rain and the maddening wind,
落櫻空中飛舞 cherry blossoms were falling and dancing.
一瞬間遠年的 In a moment, a silk scarf from years away
絲巾黯然變老 became old in sorrow,
徐徐旋落地上 swirling onto the ground
讓潦水薰陶 to melt into the pool of water.
<絲巾> "silk scarf"
復得返自然 34頁 back to nature p.34
lotus pond
沈思蓮池畔 In deep thought by the lotus pond,
古楓趕急擲下楓子 the ancient maple threw its seeds in haste.
無何有那麼一顆 How did one of them
猝然飛快擦過臉兒 dart out of nowhere to graze my face?
來不及思痛 Before the thought of pain comes,
時已止 time has stopped.
<蓮池畔> "by the lotus pond"
復得返自然 18頁 back to nature p.18
clouds over hut
那一刻 That moment,
你曾否進入我內 did you enter into my inner being
癡迷於葛利果聖詠 mesmerized in the Gregorian chants?
遍尋走失了的雲彩 Searching for colours in
在山邊野櫻下嬉游 the clouds which had faded?
靜待旱雷一聲劈來 Frolicking under the wild
那一刻 cherry trees on the hillside?
我好像失去了存在 Waiting in silence for
你呢 the sound of thunder to strike?
是否仍在我內 That moment,
I seemed to have lost my being.
<那一刻> And you -
復得返自然 80頁 are you still within me?
"that moment"
back to nature p.80
the way
我很寂寞 I am very lonely.
這路無人走 This road – no one is walking on it.
我很疲累 I am very tired.
這路有沒有盡頭 This road – is there an end to it?
曠野的聲音慌忙說 The voice from the wilderness said in haste,
盡頭大概沒有 “There is no end to the road, it seems.
無盡頭的路最有味道 But a road without an end is most interesting.
寂寞便去找個伴同遊 If you are lonely, go and look for a companion.”
伴往那裡找 “Where can I find a companion?”
就在這路的盡頭 “At the end of this road.”
<伴> "companion"
復得返自然 66頁 back to nature p.66
你想做光 You wish to be light,
三千大千世界遍送 three thousand universes to spread through.
叫斜暉躡足 Ask the slanting shafts to tiptoe,
潛入狹小窗縫 to steal through the cracks of a small window,
揚起上億顆微塵 to raise a billion particles of dust,
在光束中踴躍跳動 to jump in excitement in a bouquet of rays
不消片刻黑暗又把 but for a moment. In the next,
上下四方回復空洞 darkness again drains the four corners
into emptiness.
復得返自然 114頁 "light"
back to nature p.114
yellow leaves
徐行不知去向 Stroll without a sense of direction.
小徑隨機漫走 Follow the small path at random.
林木新枝紛發 New branches shoot from the forest.
詩思蹦跳不休 Thoughts of poetry dance unhalting.
傳來心聲迴盪 A voice echoes in the heart.
原是小鳥啁啾 The call of a young bird, it seems.
褪去衣履靈魂 Remove the covering of the soul.
在赤裸裸靜修 Meditate in nakedness.
<徐行> "taking a stroll"
復得返自然 122頁 back to nature p.122
red nude
你是誰 Who are you
靜靜桌上臥 quietly lying on the table?
彩粉濃豔 How can
如何 a palette of colours
再造你的袒裸 reform your nakedness?
拾取這個角度 From this angle alone
只有我 I pick up
把你寸寸描紅 your every inch
也只有我 to fill with red -
only me.
一覺十年 3頁 "red nude"
first ten years p.3
umbrella painter
雨要過 The rain will pass.
天要青 The sky will clear.
你的美麗依舊 Your splendour remains.
夏陽炎炎 Summer sun burning,
繞塘邊 around the pond.
挽著你的手 I hold your hand.
不知名的鳥 A nameless bird calls
聲聲叫喚 to say less but more,
欲說還休 lost in mountain
迷路 after mountain.
<傘> first ten years p.17
一覺十年 17頁
the shrine
大爆炸後 After the Big Bang,
火燄飄飄然 towering flames
即時穿上五色 immediately clothed themselves
熔化了億萬年 to multicolours melting
害得諸神 away billions of years
在純黑的虛無中 so the gods
忙於煆煉 in the emptiness of pure black
只得小鳥 must busy themselves with cleansing.
未惹塵埃 Only a tiny bird
滴滴猶叩窗軒 unstained with dust
taps lightly
<聖壇> still on the window.
一覺十年 73頁
"the shrine"
first ten years p.73
over the clouds
山愈高 The higher the mountain,
隱者的足印愈顯著 the clearer the footprints
原來失落了的城堡 of the hermit.
都在雲深處 The lost castle is found
飛鳥忘情 in the thick of the clouds.
忽東忽西 Forgetting themselves,
都無所住 birds are flitting
east and west
<雲深> without rest.
一覺十年 97頁
"clouds thick"
first ten years p.97
flower pots
山中花太野 In the mountain, flowers are too wild.
瓶裡花待謝 In a vase, they wait but to wither.
特地造了 These several styles
式式盤盤缽缽 of pots and bowls made
既載下你的生命 to hold your life
又規劃你的生活 yet mark your boundaries.
誰叫上帝造人 Who asked God to create man
在週末 on a weekend?
<盤花> "potted flowers"
一覺十年 107頁 first ten years p.107
walking alone
他們終要 In the end,
一個個的離去 one by one, they leave.
驀然已日暮 Suddenly the day is dark.
只剩你 Only you remain
獨闖歸途 to return alone.
然而 Yet,
舊徑盡是蓬蒿 the old path is buried in tall grass.
也許 Perhaps
從來便不曾有路 there has never been a way.
自古只得 From time immemorial,
混沌藍圖 merely a blueprint of chaos.
<獨歸> "returning alone"
一覺十年 117頁 first ten years p.117

poems translated into English by Agnes Lam

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