Joseph Lee 李超鵬 is an artist now living in Hong Kong. This site provides information about him, about his career in art, about the books he has published. It also contains images of many of his paintings, and some of the poems he has written.



細細碎碎的筆觸,交織出柔風般的輕吟,濃濃淡淡的色影,揮灑出大地的詩篇。李超鵬的畫,讓人感應到,他是用心靈作顏料,用唯美作畫筆,用意境作構圖,很難想像,生活在香港這個繁囂都市中,有一位擁抱自然、融入造化的畫家。 (洪捷2002年訪問)

Joseph Lee

Small patches of brushstrokes form a light breeze of soft chants; contrasting hues and tints depict the poetry of the Land. When one looks at Joseph Lee’s paintings, one realizes that he uses his spirit as colour, beauty as his brush, and imagery as his composition. It is difficult to imagine that, in such a bustling city like Hong Kong, we can find an artist who caresses nature and unites with Mother Earth. (interview by Hong Jie, 2002)

Rhine forest

Rhine forest 1, 91 x 117cm, 2009


人目空一切,不再把大自然當作朋友,濫殺無辜,百年老樹頃刻葬身推土機下; 活生生的魚蝦瞬間便靜臥餐桌上,鰓鬚猶在作最後的顫動。魚鳥牲畜固然不是朋友,鄰人也成不了朋友,有力者或用武力,或用財力,或用權力去欺凌魚肉比自己弱小的人,弄得天怒人怨,風雲變色。 乖戾憤怨之氣充斥天地間,東西南北再無樂土。



Rhine forest

Rhine forest 4, 91 x 117cm, 2011


Man has thus been flattered, no longer treats Nature as his friend, kills whatever living thing he cares to kill: a hundred year old tree thus vanishes within seconds under a bulldozer; fish and shrimps, hitherto swimming with vigour, lie silently in the next instant on the dining table, their gills and feelers still making their last shudders. Neither does he treat his neighbours as his friends. He looks down upon them and persecutes his fellow beings, making use of every possible kind of force: arms, finance and power to coerce and oppress the more unfortunate. The result? Both heaven and earth are grieved and angered; and the whole world is pervaded by an atmosphere of disgust and hatred. Nowhere now can we find a happy and blissful corner to dwell.

To get away from such a pathetic situation, to regain simple inner peace, to look for joy long lost, the easiest, surest and most effective way is to return to Nature, abandoning the undeserving, worthless honour ‘the wisest of all creatures’, relegate the false icon of being more important than others, go into the forest to befriend flowers and birds, experience their unsophisticated yet liberated way of life, and relearn the fundamentals of being a man. No honours to seek after, no wealth to accumulate, no insatiable desires to satisfy. Millions of beings are living there plainly and solidly. By returning to Nature, the rich and famous can extinguish their ‘no one but me’ arrogance, while the nobodies can get all-encompassing relief of their manifold wounds.

(preface, BACK TO NATURE)

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